Frist zum einreichen von Abstracts für den Faszien Kongress endet in 7 Tagen

Nur noch 7 Tage bis zum Ablauf der Frist zur Einreichung der Abstracts für den 3. Faszien Kongress in Vancouver. Interessierte sollten sich also beeilen!!! Weitere Informationen siehe unten.

As you know, abstracts are the key to bringing your research and findings to the greater community. The Third International Fascia Research Congress is the premiere venue to have your research, observations and findings presented to your peers.  But time is running out!

Submissions will be accepted until Midnight, October 1 PST. 

Congress registration is not required to submit an abstract, but an author is expected to register and attend if the abstract is accepted.  

Abstract submission is online, at 

Take a look at the Scholarships and Awards FRC3 offers

For questions contact 

We look forward to sharing ideas with you in Vancouver!

Geoffrey Bove DC PhD Scientific Committee Chair

Thomas Findley MD PhD Executive Director, Fascia Research Congress