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This book is the product of an important collaboration between clinicians of the manual therapies and scientists in several disciplines that grew out of the three recent International Fascia Research Congresses (Boston, Amsterdam, and Vancouver). The book editors, Thomas Findley MD PhD, Robert Schleip PhD, Peter Huijing PhD and Leon Chaitow DO, were major organizers of these congresses and used their extensive experience to select chapters and contributors for this book. This volume therefore brings together contributors from diverse backgrounds who share the desire to bridge the gap between theory and practice in our current knowledge of the fascia and goes beyond the 2007, 2009 and 2012 congresses to define the state-of-the-art, from both the clinical and scientific perspective. Prepared by over 100 specialists and researchers from throughout the world, "Fascia: The Tensional Network of the Human Body" will be ideal for all professionals who have an interest in fascia and human movement - physiotherapists, osteopathic physicians, osteopaths, chiropractors, structural integration practitioners, manual therapists, massage therapists, acupuncturists, yoga or Pilates instructors, exercise scientists and personal trainers - as well as physicians involved with musculoskeletal medicine, pain management and rehabilitation, and basic scientists working in the field.
Dr. Robert Schleip is Director of the Fascia Research Group at Ulm University, Germany. In addition he serves as Research Director for the European Rolfing Association and maintains a part-time private practice as certified Rolfing practitioner as well as Feldenkrais teacher. He holds an M.A. degree in psychology from Heidelberg University, as well as a Ph.D. in Human Biology from Ulm University. Together with colleagues, his input and inspiration was instrumental in getting the first international Fascia Research Congress in 2007 started, as well as the subsequent congresses. His own research work on active fascial contractility was honored with the Vladimir Janda Award for Musculoskeletal Medicine. Dr. Findley has extensive training in complementary medicine, beginning with training in acupuncture while a medical student at Georgetown in 1975. He maintains an active clinical practice as a Certified Advanced Practitioner of Rolfing Structural Integration in addition to his research activities as Associate Director of the Center for Healthcare Knowledge Management, New Jersey VA Healthcare System. He is also Director of Research for the Rolf Institute of Structural Integration. Leon Chaitow ND DO is an internationally known and respected osteopathic and naturopathic practitioner and teacher of soft tissue manipulation methods of treatment. He is author of over 60 books, including a series on Advanced Soft Tissue Manipulation (Muscle Energy Techniques, Positional Release Techniques, Modern Neuromuscular Techniques) and also Palpation Skills; Cranial Manipulation: Theory and Practice; Fibromyalgia Syndrome: A Practitioner's Guide to Treatment, and many more. He is editor of the peer reviewed Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, that offers a multidisciplinary perspective on physical methods of patient care. Leon Chaitow was for many years senior lecturer on the Therapeutic Bodywork degree courses which he helped to design at the School of Integrated Health, University of Westminster, London, where is he now an Honorary Fellow. He continues to teach and practice part-time in London, when not in Corfu, Greece where he focuses on his writing. Professor Peter Huijing has forty years experience in teaching biomechanics, physiology and anatomy of the locomotor apparatus to students of a great variety of backgrounds, ranging from medical students to students of human movement sciences and bioengineers. Professor Huijing has performed teaching and tutoring duties at the introductory level as well as intermediate, PhD, and post-doctorate levels. He is co-author of a textbook Inleiding van de Kinesiology van de Mens (translation - Introduction to Human Kinesiology) Educaboek, Culemborg, The Netherlands (1983) which was later fully revised (1990, 1996) and published by Wolters, Groningen. Professor Huijing has also been co-editor of several congress proceedings and his intensive research activities in the fields of functional anatomy, physiology and biomechanics of muscle and its related tissues has led to over 200 journal peer reviewed articles between 1981 and 2012 among which are several review papers. In the same period, a similar quantity of other single authored and co-authored contributions were published in congress proceedings, books etc.