Ab sofort gibt es das "Fascia: The Tensional Network" Buch im FDM Shop zu kaufen. Erstmals auf dem dritten Faszien Kongress in Vancouver präsentiert ist das Buch nun auch in Deutschland erhältlich. Mit Herausgeber ist Robert Schleip. Ihm und seinen drei Kollegen ist es gelungen, ca. 100 Autoren zu überzeugen einen Beitrag zu diesem Meisterwerk zu schreiben. Somit ist dieses Buch die Bibel für alle Faszial arbeitenden Therapeuten.
This book is the product of an important collaboration between
clinicians of the manual therapies and scientists in several disciplines
that grew out of the three recent International Fascia Research
Congresses (Boston, Amsterdam, and Vancouver). The book editors, Thomas
Findley MD PhD, Robert Schleip PhD, Peter Huijing PhD and Leon Chaitow
DO, were major organizers of these congresses and used their extensive
experience to select chapters and contributors for this book. This
volume therefore brings together contributors from diverse backgrounds
who share the desire to bridge the gap between theory and practice in
our current knowledge of the fascia and goes beyond the 2007, 2009 and
2012 congresses to define the state-of-the-art, from both the clinical
and scientific perspective. Prepared by over 100 specialists and
researchers from throughout the world, "Fascia: The Tensional Network of
the Human Body" will be ideal for all professionals who have an
interest in fascia and human movement - physiotherapists, osteopathic
physicians, osteopaths, chiropractors, structural integration
practitioners, manual therapists, massage therapists, acupuncturists,
yoga or Pilates instructors, exercise scientists and personal trainers -
as well as physicians involved with musculoskeletal medicine, pain
management and rehabilitation, and basic scientists working in the